
Porchetta boudin doner, tenderloin ham shankle chuck biltong jerky ball tip salami. Tri-tip strip steak venison, hamburger t-bone beef ribs drumstick spare ribs landjaeger ribeye meatball tongue.
Timothy M. KeeganDeveloper

Post Format: Chat

Sam: Salami chuck frankfurter fatback, jerky venison ham filet mignon pork chop beef.

George: Tenderloin pork belly short ribs burgdoggen strip steak, prosciutto brisket.

Sam: Jerky burgdoggen pastrami short loin doner meatloaf shank beef ribs flank kevin.

George: Short ribs kielbasa ball tip chuck bacon meatball meatloaf cow biltong pastrami filet mignon fatback. More…

Post Format: Aside

Ribeye ground round tongue, t-bone turducken bacon shank sirloin brisket shoulder meatball corned beef kielbasa. Pastrami cupim brisket ham hock landjaeger. Pancetta meatball bacon kevin burgdoggen turkey pastrami beef ribs tenderloin spare ribs flank. Sausage meatball meatloaf.

Dronfield pub gets a refurb

Hanstock Air Conditioning are working on a new local Dronfield pub called the Underdog. Supplying them with quality air conditioning throughout.

Paul Hanstock has joined up with other local tradesmen, to redevelop a local pub in Dronfield.